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Natan and Laja in Israel 1949-1957

Natan and Laja left the DP Camps and went to Israel via Marseille in 29.6.1949 on the SS Galila.

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At first they lived in a tent city for about 6 months. They then moved to a one room apartment on top of an old apartment block  Hasan Beck, a suburb or  development site in southern Tel Aviv,  behind the Carmel market near the Jaffa mosque. 

The street did not have  numbers and the apartment was in a "Lot". ( the Inter Continental David Tel Aviv  now stands in that Lot and the swimming pool is where the apartment was located. 


The only information on the address is taken from a letter Natan sent to his cousin, Mendel, in Australia


Natan worked as a shoemaker in Jaffa, and again the only information is a copy of the "rubber stamp" with street address.


As well is a certificate of registration of Natan's one man company. 

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Certificate of registration of Natan's one man company

Welcome to the website for
Natan (Nathan) and Laja (Lonja) Blicblau (nee Rajchbart)
 from Zdunska Wola, Poland, to WWII, then Israel and finally settling  in  Melbourne,  Australia   

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