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Natan's holocaust years 1939-1945 (click on each link)

On the first day of September, 1939, the German armies invaded Poland and marched into Zdunska Wola .


Natan and his family were at first confined to their house in Sziersdka St.  then confined to the Zdunska Wola Ghetto, and transported to Lodz  ghetto, Auschwitz  and other concentration camps and work camps as  shown in an official URO document ( name spelt NATHAN BLITZBLAU).

Lodz Ghetto documentation 
list including Nachma( Natan), brothers Icek, and Juda (both perished). Other brothers' and parents ( Shimon and Sprintze)  whereabouts unknown, but believed to have been taken to Chelnmno extermination camp, 1942- records do not exist according to ITS Bad Arolsen ( 

Lodz Ghetto

Auschwitz documentation Tatoo b-6237 

Auschwitz Details
blicblau auschwitz tattoo

United Nations registration details for Natan (click on image to see more documents)

United Nations Registration

Welcome to the website for
Natan (Nathan) and Laja (Lonja) Blicblau (nee Rajchbart)
 from Zdunska Wola, Poland, to WWII, then Israel and finally settling  in  Melbourne,  Australia   

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